OSF HealthCare Facilities Requiring Everyone to Wear Masks

4/30/2020 - Mendota, Illinois

OSF HealthCare is taking pro-active measures to ensure the health and safety of patients, visitors, vendors, and Mission Partners (employees).

Beginning Friday, May 1, OSF HealthCare facilities in Mendota, Ottawa, and Streator will require anyone entering to wear a mask.Exceptions are made for those younger than two years old or those with medical conditions that prohibit wearing a mask.

“Wearing a mask over the nose and mouth helps to contain respiratory secretions and reduces the risk of spreading COVID-19,” said OSF Saint Paul President Dawn Trompeter and OSF Saint Elizabeth President Ken Beutke. “Masking is additional protection which will address asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission of the virus.”

Patients will be given a mask to wear while interacting with medical staff if they don’t have one of their own. In addition, visitors and vendors will be asked to wear a personal mask. If a personal mask is not available, a disposable mask will be provided.

All OSF Mission Partners will also be required to wear masks in public spaces, whether personal or provided by OSF HealthCare. OSF Mission Partners who provide direct patient care will be issued appropriate personal protective equipment by OSF.

伟德betvicror下载OSF曼德特医疗设施,渥太华Streator still have strict no-visitor guidelines in place and will continue, with a few exceptions:

  • One visitor will be allowed if deemed necessary for the provision of medical care
  • One visitor will be allowed for pediatric patients
  • One visitor will be allowed for childbirth
  • Exceptions will be made for end-of-life situations

For more information on novel coronavirus (COVID-19), including frequently asked questions, please visit the OSF HealthCare COVID-19 digital health hub:www.harrigoss.com/covid19/.



JoEllyn Gahan
Public Relations & Communications Coordinator
(815) 539-7461