Perry Resumes Clinic and Elective Surgery

6/23/2021 - Princeton, Illinois

As the level of COVID-19 infections begins to stabilize in the communities we serve, our medical providers, surgery teams and visiting specialists are starting to reschedule appointments, surgeries, and procedures that were delayed during the pandemic. Our staff have been here to care for you during this very difficult time and we are happy to begin welcoming you back for your health needs.

请知道当我们重启这些服务ice lines, our top priority is the well-being of all our patients, visitors, and staff. We will continue to take precautions to keep everyone safe and protected from possible exposure to COVID-19 and we are confident we can provide safe, essential care.

Safety Measures

Anyone entering any Perry facility will be screened at the entrance. Patients may also be pre-screened at the time they schedule their appointment and/or during reminder calls. Onsite screenings require all patients, essential support persons, and staff to sanitize their hands, answer questions about potential symptoms, temperature check, and wear a mask. This process will help protect everyone from the spread of the virus.

Perry Memorial Hospital and all Perry Clinics remain under a NO VISITOR policy. A patient may be accompanied by an essential support person under the following three circumstances:

  • A minor patient may have one parent or guardian.
  • Extenuating circumstances (such as end-of-life or trauma).
  • The patient has intellectual and/or developmental disabilities or cognitive impairments

All essential support persons must be 18 years or older.

We are taking steps to increase physical distance between our patients during their visits, as well as taking the time to clean the rooms and equipment in between appointments. We have enhanced our cleaning processes and are using CDC-approved products.

We encourage you to use hand sanitizing stations around the hospital and clinics to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 among staff, patients, and essential support persons.

Surgical Procedures

We have implemented several processes in addition to the measures above for increased safety during your surgical procedure. All surgical patients will be required to take a COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to their scheduled procedure and quarantine at home until the time of the procedure. While we understand the current visitor, restrictions make it difficult for someone to accompany you to your procedure and recovery, we are using tablet technology to help you stay in touch with your loved ones.

If you have questions about COVID-19, are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or are concerned that you may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus, please call our 24/7 COVID Communication Line at 815-875-4531. Note that all testing is being conducted based on individual assessments, guidance from primary care providers, and current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) recommendations.
