OSF HeathCare Holy Family Medical Center Announces DAISY and Sunflower Award Winners

6/22/2022 - Monmouth, Illinois

  • Mary Garrett
  • Dr. James Szudera
Mary Garrett Dr. James Szudera

(June 22, 2022 | Monmouth, Illinois) –As a partner in the international DAISY Award program that recognizes nurses’ extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care, OSF HealthCare Holy Family Medical Center recently awarded its DAISY Award toMary B. Garrett, RN, from OSF Holy Family Medical Center surgery department. Marywas nominated for her compassionate care.

The not-for-profit DAISY Foundation (DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System) was established by family members in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. Barnes died in 1999 at the age of 33 from complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, a little-known but not uncommon autoimmune disease. The care Barnes and his family received inspired this unique means of thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and patients' families.

"When Patrick was ill, we were awed by the skill, care and compassion he – and we, his family – received," said Bonnie Barnes, president and co-founder of The DAISY Foundation. "We created The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses in 2001 to say thank you to nurses around the country, as we believe they are truly 'unsung heroes.' We thank United Healthcare for helping us acknowledge the remarkable work nurses do every day."

The Sunflower Award, a recognition program offered to non-nursing staff with OSF HealthCare, was given toDr. James Szudera, emergency department,for his excellent care.The Sunflower Award honorees exemplify the remarkable patient experience received at OSF HealthCare. These staff members consistently demonstrate excellence through their expertise and extraordinary compassionate care and service.

伟德betvicror下载OSF医疗鼓励病人,家庭成员and fellow staff to recognize caregivers who have provided exceptional care and service by nominating them for an award to honor their dedication. For more information about the DAISY and Sunflower Awards or to submit a nomination, visit:osfgratefulpatient.org.



Carrie McCance
Public Relations & Communications Coordinator
(309) 344-3161 x61102