DAISY Award Winner: Jeremy LaMarch, RN

1/26/2023 - Escanaba, Michigan

  • Jeremy LaMarch, RN

    Jeremy LaMarch, RN

The DAISY Award recognizes a nurse who is nominated by a patient or their family for exemplary professional practice.

Jeremy is an RN in the operating room and part of the Surgery department. He was nominated by the mother of a young child who recently underwent surgery. The parent recognized his caring and calm demeanor which helped to not only calm her nerves but create a very positive experience. The nomination noted “I will never forget the kindness you showed me or my child. This mom is so grateful you were part of our care team!”

If you would like to share a story about a provider, nurse or staff member (Mission Partner) at OSF, we’d love to hear from you! While a winner is selected each quarter, all feedback is recognized and shared with the respective Mission Partner.

To submit a nomination visithttps://www.osfhealthcarefoundation.org/gratefulpatient/.



Joanna Wilbee-Amis
Public Relations & Communications Coordinator
(906) 233-4204