Peoria, IL,
14:02 PM

Picky, Picky, Picky: How to Deal with a Picky Eater – and When It Might Be Something More

This is the first in a series of topics with Dr. Sandeep Gupta, Pediatric Gastroenterologist at OSF HealthCare Children’s Hospital of Illinois in Peoria.

这不是不寻常的孩子,尤其是孩子s and preschoolers – to have their favorite foods, often refusing to eat anything else. Picky eating is a common behavioral problem in young children, with nearly a quarter of preschool children going through this phase, with most outgrowing it.

But what can parents and caregivers do to encourage children of any age to try a broader range of food?

Dr. Sandeep Gupta on Picky Eaters

Dr. Sandeep Gupta is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist with OSF Children’s Hospital of Illinois. He treats a wide range of conditions in children, including those related to nutrition.

Dr. Sandeep Gupta, Pediatric Gastroenterologist – OSF HealthCare Children’s Hospital of Illinois
Sometimes there are conditions where they truly have a problem with eating. They may have difficulty eating pizza or hot dog or meats because they have difficulty swallowing because either they have a swallowing problem or the food pipe is irritated or they may have narrowing of the food pipe.

Dr. Sandeep Gupta, Pediatric Gastroenterologist – OSF HealthCare Children’s Hospital of Illinois

If your child is not eating to the point of not growing, or if year after year if you look at school photos and your child is the same size or they are the smallest in the class that may be cause for concern. Or if you truly believe you have tried everything as a parent and they are just an exceedingly picky eater, your child should see their doctor. Dr. Gupta says there are conditions where children truly have a problem with eating.

Dr. Sandeep Gupta - When to be Concerned about Picky Eaters

Dr. Gupta says it is tough to know as a parent where to draw the line. But if it’s an ongoing issue or your child’s growth is being affected the adage “when in doubt, reach out” should be followed.

Learn more throughOSF HealthCare Children’s Hospital of Illinois.