Professional Practice Model

OSF Nursing Professional Practice ModelOSF Nursing Professional Practice Model A Professional Practice Model (PPM) is a schematic description of how nurses practice, collaborate, communicate and develop professionally to provide care to those they serve.

The OSF HealthCare Nursing Professional Practice Model is reviewed by nurses on a regular basis.

While there have been many changes to reflect current practices and values, what has not changed is our focus on patient, family, and community, which is located at the center of the model.


The original OSF Nursing PPM was developed in 2011 by a committee of OSF nurses in an effort to align nursing across all OSF entities with theMission, Vision, and Values of OSF HealthCare,which serves as the foundation of our care. Before 2011, each entity had its own PPM.

Most recently, we updated our PPM in 2022 to reflect our current practice and updated values. Although similar to the original, a sixth leaf, “Caregiver Wellbeing” was added to our framework.

In 2022, the decision was also made to adopt Dr. Kristen Swanson’s Caring Theory to serve as the theoretical foundation for the revised PPM.

The OSF HealthCare Professional Practice Council and Nurse Executives reviewed the final draft of the revised PPM and all Professional Governance councils agreed that the PPM was reflective of nursing practice at OSF HealthCare.