OSF St. Joseph Medical Center



An angiogram is a test to look at the blood vessels in the body.


你应该没有吃或喝八小时s before the test.


Follow instructions given by your doctor's office.


Please inform your physician's office ahead of time if you have an iodine allergy.

Pregnancy Testing Policy

It is the policy of OSF St. Joseph Medical Center to conduct pregnancy tests on all female patients having a CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, Angiography, or X-ray exams of the pelvic/uterine area.

This policy is to avoid potential harm to an unborn baby as a result of the radiation or medications given during the exam.

A pregnancy test is required prior to the procedures listed above and should be ordered by your physician if you are a female between the ages of 10 and 55 and if you have not had a hysterectomy or bilateral oophorectomy.

Home pregnancy tests are not acceptable.


Please arrive two hours prior to the time that your test is scheduled. Check in through the admitting department located in the front lobby of the hospital. Admitting will then direct you to your room.

What to Bring With You

Please bring a list of all of the medications you take, include the dose you take and how often you take them. Please include all over-the-counter medications on your list.

Before the Procedure

A nurse will prepare you for the exam, you will have an IV line started, blood drawn, possibly a Chest X-Ray and an EKG done. A nurse may also perform a physical assessment.

Procedure Instructions

The procedure will be done in the angiography lab. You will be placed on your back on a narrow X-Ray table.

During an angiogram, a catheter is put into a blood vessel, usually in your groin; this is done with local anesthesia. Special dye is given through the catheter, and x-ray pictures of blood flow in certain arteries are taken.

The procedure can take one to three hours. You will be awake during the procedure, but if you feel anxious or uncomfortable, medications for discomfort and relaxation are available.

After the Procedure

After the test you will be brought back to your room, or the special procedure holding area. Complete bed rest with your leg straight will be required for three to six hours.

Certain interventions may require admission and possible bed rest overnight. Usually you are allowed to eat after the procedure and we encourage you to drink plenty of fluids.

Upon discharge, you will be required to have someone available to drive you home.