Kyle Xu, M.D., to speak at OSF Saint Anthony’s Lymphedema Education Program

6/10/2019 - Alton, Illinois

Area residents suffering from lymphedema are invited to a Lymphedema Education Program, scheduled for Thursday, June 20, 2019 at Noon in the 1stFloor Auditorium of OSF HealthCare Saint Clare’s Medical Office Building, 815 E. 5thStreet.

The June meeting will feature a special guest speaker, Kyle Xu, MD, plastic surgeon and lymphedema specialist with SLUCare.

Lymphedema is a condition that involves a buildup of fluid in the body – “lymph” is nearly colorless fluid; “edema” means a buildup of fluid in body tissues. Some cancer treatments can put a person at risk for lymphedema, which may occur immediately after cancer treatment or many years later.

Facilitated by certified lymphedema specialists and physical therapists from OSF Saint Anthony’s, the group focuses on lymphedema treatment and self-care, while relating personal experiences with members in the support group. The group meets at noon the third Thursday of each month.

For more information on the Lymphedema Education Program, please call (618) 463-5171.



Tina Zumwalt
Community Relations Coordinator
(618) 463-5394