Jacoby Arts Center Main Gallery to Bear Name of OSF HealthCare Saint Anthony's Health Center

3/11/2019 - Alton, Illinois

  • OSF Saint Anthony's Art Gallery

    Ajay Pathak, CEO, Sister M. Anselma, COO, and Colleen Becker, CNO, at the OSF HealthCare Saint Anthony's Art Gallery

OSF HealthCare has marked another way it is investing in the communities it serves with the latest unveiling of signage on the main gallery at the Jacoby Arts Center in downtown Alton, Illinois which now bears the name of OSF Saint Anthony’s Gallery. The unveiling today follows a significant pledge of a two-year sponsorship made during the Jacoby Arts Center’s annual gala.

OSF HealthCare Saint Anthony’s President Ajay Pathak said the organization is committed to the community’s economic development and well-being.

“The shared experience of the creative arts can be healing,” said Pathak. “Engagement with creative activities has the potential to contribute to reducing stress and depression and can serve as a vehicle for reducing the symptoms of some chronic diseases.”

Pathak also points out the gallery sponsorship, in part, supports classes that inspire creativity in children that can play a role in the future of technology and innovation.

“We are so thankful for the generous support of OSF Saint Anthony’s. It will allow us to provide high-quality programming and to extend our reach farther into the community,” said Stacey Larson, Operations Manager. ” We hope this partnership with Saint Anthony’s will continue to grow as we look for ways to collaborate to improve health and healing in the Riverbend.”

的主要画廊位于一楼the Jacoby Arts Center. The Center’s mission is to nurture and promote the practice and appreciation of the arts through education, exhibitions, cultural programming and outreach initiatives.



Tina Zumwalt
Community Relations Coordinator
(618) 463-5394