OSF St. Francis Hospital Auxiliary Kicks off Annual “Lights of Love” Campaign to Honor Healthcare Heroes and Remember Loved Ones and Pets

12/07/2020 - Escanaba, Michigan

  • Lights of Love

    The annual "Lights of Love" campaign, coordinated by the OSF St. Francis Hospital Auxiliary, has kicked off for 2020.

The glowing tradition of the OSF HealthCare St. Francis Hospital Auxiliary “Lights of Love” annual campaign has kicked off once again and is now accepting commemorative recognitions through December 31, 2020.

The lights adorn the set of trees along U.S. Highway 2 & 41 on the hospital campus and shine throughout the Christmas Season, representing gifts of honor and recognition. While traditionally the lights are purchased in honor or memory of someone, in 2018, an additional tree was added to be designated for pet remembrances. This year, given the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the community is also invited to honor a healthcare hero by purchasing a light to show appreciation as a gesture of gratitude.

“Lights of Love is a beloved tradition as well as a beautiful way to honor or remember a loved one, be it a family member, coworker, or friend during the holiday season,” said Jean Arvan, Director of Philanthropy at OSF St. Francis. Adding, “The funds raised by our Auxiliary make a meaningful impact to help support the hospital.” Recent examples of support provided by the SFH Auxiliary include funding of new furniture for the waiting room as well as a private family waiting room in the Emergency Department and a new ultrasound machine for the Surgery Department.

Each light is $5 and can be purchased easily online atosfstfrancis.org/lights. Lights of Love envelopes are also available at the OSF St. Francis Hospital front desk and Elmer’s County Market in Escanaba. For additional information, please contact Jean Arvan at (906) 786-5707, extension 5516.



Joanna Wilbee-Amis
Public Relations & Communications Coordinator
(906) 233-4204