HMR Named Best Weight Loss Diet

2/01/2020 - Rockford, Illinois

(ROCKFORD, IL) -- U.S. News & World Report has ranked a program created byHealth Management Resources(HMR) and offered by OSF HealthCare Saint Anthony Medical Center as the No.1 Best Fast Weight-Loss Diet for 2020. This is the fifth consecutive year that HMR’s diet and lifestyle-change program has finished in the top spot.

Since 1983, HMR’s medically supervised program has been available in hospitals, medical centers, and universities across the country, and is now also available as an at-home option. HMR’s mission is to help people lose a lot of weight while learning how to make lasting changes for better health and quality of life. OSF Saint Anthony is a licensee of the HMR Program.

HMR’s simple plans are nutritionally complete, calorie-controlled, and designed to help people lose a lot of weight quickly without feeling hungry. “Simplicity is key,” said Adam Schafer, registered dietitian for OSF Saint Anthony. “We have people focus on just a few key variables that will have the biggest impact on weight and health. Because it’s so easy to follow, people can stick to the diet longer, which can lead to more weight loss in a short amount of time.”

“There’s no payoff to losing weight quickly only to have it come back again,” Schafer added. “That’s why lifestyle-change education is at the core of all HMR diet plans. HMR uses the science of behavior change to help people create new habits around healthier eating and increasing daily physical activity in ways that fit into their daily lives over the long term.”

For more information, please call 815-227-2274.



Paul Arco
Media Relations Coordinator
(815) 395-5036