Sunflower Award winner: April Guindon, LPN

4/27/2023 - Escanaba, Michigan

  • photo of April Guindon

    4月il Guindon, LPN

Congratulations to April Guindon, LPN, the most recent Sunflower Award winner.

The Sunflower Award recognizes Mission Partners for being outstanding role models among a community of caregivers.

4月il is a licensed practical nurse in Suite 203 of the OSF Medical Group – Escanaba. April was nominated by a patient who shared “4月il heard I was coming into the office and not feeling well. When we came off of the elevator there was April waiting with additional reinforcements in case I got sick again. She quickly directed us to the back entry of the office and started taking care of me. The kindness and compassion she showed me that day will never be forgotten. Not to mention the excellent medical care. Thank you, April.”

If you would like to share a story about a provider, nurse, staff member or volunteer with OSF, we’d love to hear from you! Please visit submit a nomination. While winners are selected each quarter, all feedback is recognized and shared with the respective nominees.



Joanna Wilbee-Amis
Public Relations & Communications Coordinator
(906) 233-4204