Request Sponsorship

OSF HealthCare allocates a budgeted amount of dollars for community support and sponsorships. Sponsorship and charitable contribution considerations are specific to the counties served by OSF HealthCare.

Funds requested should meet the following criteria:

Sponsorships and charitable contributions will be limited to one time per year for each organization.

If an organization has multiple events in a year, please submit them all together in one request.


  1. If you do not have a W-9 available,download a W-9 form, fill out and save to your computer.
  2. If you are requesting sponsorship of multiple events,download our multiple event request form, fill out and save to your computer.
  3. Complete the sponsorship request form below. Make sure to upload your W-9 and, if applicable, multiple event request form, in the appropriate field.
  4. We will review each request and contact you via email.